12 August 2024

Notifications & Circulars

Securities and Exchange Board of India


Capital Market

Modalities related to Investment Adviser applications


SEBI, vide circular ref. 2021/579 dated June 18, 2021, granted recognition to BSE Administration and Supervision Ltd. (BASL), a wholly owned subsidiary of BSE to act as an Investment Adviser Administration and Supervisory Body (IAASB) for a period of three years from June 01, 2021 in terms of Regulation 14 of SEBI (Investment Advisers) Regulations, 2013 (SEBI IA Regulations). As per the provisions of Regulation 14(2) of SEBI IA Regulations, the administration and supervision of Investment Advisers (IAs) has been delegated to BASL.

In view of the above, all the new IA applicants as well as existing IAs are advised to approach BSE Administration and Supervision Limited (BASL) (Website: https://www.bseasl.com/) for registration and post registration activities related to Investment Advisers. Further, new IA applicants as well as existing IAs may refer to BASL circular no. 20220718-1 dated July 18, 2022 regarding Revised Process for seeking Membership from BASL and Registration from SEBI.

Tags : Modalities Investment Adviser Applications

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