22 July 2024


High Court of Delhi

Krishna Wadehra & Ors. vs Ram Parsad & Ors.




While exercising the power under Order VII Rule 11 of CPC, the Court has to see the averments made in the plaint and documents relied upon by the Plaintiff

The present revision petition has been filed challenging the impugned order whereby the application under Order VII Rule 11 of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC) has been dismissed by the learned Trial Court. Predominantly, on the ground that the certified copy of sale deed dated 28th August, 1968, produced by the learned counsel for the defendant to prove his title, neither bears the signatures of vendor nor of the witnesses.

It has been submitted that, the suit being filed by the Respondent/plaintiff against the Petitioners/Defendants is an abuse of the process of the Court. Learned senior counsel submits that, it is an admitted case that, the Defendants/Petitioners are in possession of the suit property.

The Plaintiff/Respondent had filed the present suit on the basis that the property in dispute is bought by their predecessor-in-interest and they are in possession of the same. The Plaintiff's case is that the defendants have no right or title of interest over the suit property. Per contra, the case of the Defendants is that their predecessor-in-interest has purchased the property in interest from late Sh. Khushi Ram Kain.

It is a settled legal position that while exercising of power under Order VII Rule 11 of CPC, the Court has only to see the averments made in the plaint and documents relied upon by the plaintiff.

The Court in its revisional jurisdiction can interfere into the order of learned Trial Court only if there is manifest illegality or perversity in the order of the learned Trial Court. It is advantageous to refer Section 115 of the CPC which provides that "the High Court may interfere into the order only if the sub-ordinate court has exercised the jurisdiction not vested in it by law or have failed to exercise jurisdiction so vested or have exercised of its jurisdiction illegally or with material irregularity. Petition dismissed.

Tags : Revisional jurisdiction Interference Illegality

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