12 August 2024


Houses of Parliament pass several Bills

The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha kept up frenetic legislative activity, passing several Bills in the ‘first half’ of the Budget session. Of note is the Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Bill, 2016, passed by the Rajya Sabha, after a three hour long discussion. It will be taken up by the Lok Sabha beginning 14 March 2016 and is expected to confirmed before the close of session.

The government created a stir by introducing the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and other Subsidies, Benefits and Services Bill, 2016 as a money bill. The move is likely to incite an Opposition response as it dilutes the sway of the Rajya Sabha over the passage of the Bill. Having been passed by the Lok Sabha, the Rajya Sabha can only suggest non-binding amendments or delay finality for fourteen days, after which it will be deemed passed.

The Rajya Sabha approved the Carriage by Air (Amendment) Bill 2015, which was subsequently passed by the Lok Sabha by a voice vote. Once assented by the President, the Bill will revise the liability limits on compensation payable by airlines in India, and will homogenise Indian law with the Montreal Convention. The House also cleared the Bureau of Indian Standards Bill 2015, which had been passed by the Lok Sabha in the previous session.

Tags : Budget session 2016 parliament legislation

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