12 August 2024


Supreme Court

Reepak Kansal and Ors. Vs. Union of India (UOI) and Ors.




Death due to Covid should be specifically mentioned in death certificate issued by Appropriate Authority

Present writ petitions have been filed in Public Interest seeking directions to the Respondents-Central/State Governments to provide ex gratia monetary compensation of Rs. 4 lacs or notified ex gratia monetary compensation to the families of the deceased who have succumbed to the pandemic of Covid-19, in view of Section 12 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 ('DMA 2005'). It is also further prayed for an appropriate direction to the Respondents-State Governments to fulfil their obligation to take care of victims of the calamity and their family members.

It is the statutory duty cast upon the National Authority to recommend guidelines for the minimum standards of relief to be provided to persons affected by disaster, which shall include the reliefs, as stated hereinabove. The language used in the provision is very plain and unambiguous.

As per the settled proposition of law laid down by present Court in a catena of decisions, when the language of the provision is plain and unambiguous, statutory enactments must ordinarily be construed according to its plain meaning. The beneficial provision of the legislation must be literally construed so as to fulfil the statutory purpose and not to frustrate it.

Under Section 12 of DMA, 2005, the National Authority is mandated to recommend guidelines for the minimum standards of relief. Minimum standards of relief are, as such, not defined under the Act. Ex gratia assistance on account of loss of life as also assistance on account of damage to houses and for restoration of means of livelihood therefore can be said to be part of minimum standards of relief of which the National Authority is required to recommend guidelines.

It cannot also be disputed that, Covid-19 pandemic is a peculiar disaster, which the country and the world has experienced in a long time. It has an extraordinary spread and impact from that of other natural disaster/disasters. Therefore, its extreme spread and impact requires an approach different from the one that is applied to other disasters/natural disasters. Other natural disasters would have a different effect/impact. Covid-19 pandemic is having an on-going impact/effect. The pandemic is still not over in the country as also the world and it is extremely difficult to predict with accuracy, it's further trajectory, mutations and waves. There is a need to focus simultaneously on prevention, preparedness, mitigation and recovery, which calls for a different order of mobilization of both financial and technical resources.

Present Court directs the National Disaster Management Authority to recommend guidelines for ex gratia assistance on account of loss of life to the family members of the persons who died due to Covid-19, as mandated Under Section 12(iii) of DMA, 2005 for the minimum standards of relief to be provided to the persons affected by disaster-Covid 19 Pandemic, over and above the guidelines already recommended for the minimum standards of relief to be provided to persons affected by Covid-19. The Appropriate Authority is directed to issue simplified guidelines for issuance of Death Certificates/official document stating the exact cause of death, i.e., "Death due to Covid-19", to the family members of the deceased who died due to Covid-19.

Tags : Pandemic Relief Direction thereto

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