22 April 2024


Supreme Court

Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust and Ors. v. R. Ramanathan and Ors.




Sri Aurobindo Ashram trustees granted reprieve

The Supreme Court des[s]erted the Respondents in their quest to chastise Sri Aurobindo Ashram and its administrators for not condemning a book purporting to be a biography on Sri Aurobindo – variously a spiritualist, philosopher and writer. The book was deemed objectionable by followers of Sri Aurobindo, who demanded the Ashram take a proactive stand against its publishing and dissemination. Trustees of the organisation had steadfastly declined criticizing the book, choosing instead “dissociation”. The Court held that such an action did not warrant a removal of the trustees of the group, who were entitled to wide discretion in setting the administrative scheme. “A disagreement with the exercise of the discretion does not lead to a conclusion of maladministration”, the Supreme Court held.


Swami Parmatmanand Saraswati v. Ramji Tripathi MANU/SC/0023/1974
Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust and Ors. v. S. Ramanathan and Ors. MANU/TN/0541/2013
Section 153A Indian Penal Code Act Section 295-A Indian Penal Code Act

Tags : Aurobindo ashram trustees maladministration biography

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